Has your name been hijacked?

How is it that an impoverished retiree with no internet access sends dozens of political campaign donations daily?

What is more, the candidates are thousands of miles away. 

The donations support lavish lifestyles and keep coming during off election years.

How? Like you he has no clue that his name supports illegal donations.

Can the candidate see who donated and what is going on? Yes. You can too.

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We bring to your attention a concerning revelation uncovered by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) website, FEC.gov, regarding suspicious and potentially illegal political campaign donations. As a cornerstone of democracy, transparency in campaign financing is paramount to ensuring fair and equitable elections. However, recent findings shed light on a disconcerting trend that threatens the integrity of our electoral process.


The FEC is tasked with overseeing and enforcing regulations related to campaign finance in Federal elections. Among its duties is the disclosure of campaign finance information, including contributions made to and expenditures by political campaigns. This transparency serves to hold candidates and donors accountable and allows the public to make informed decisions.

The Revelation:

Upon careful examination of FEC.gov, it has come to light that certain political campaign donations raise red flags for potential illegality and ethical breaches. These suspicious donations, which may include contributions from prohibited sources or exceed legal limits, underscore the need for heightened vigilance and scrutiny in campaign finance practices.


The implications of these findings are far-reaching. Illegal campaign contributions can distort the democratic process, giving undue influence to certain individuals or entities and undermining the principle of fair representation. Moreover, such actions erode public trust in the electoral system and jeopardize the legitimacy of elected officials.

Call to Action:

In light of these revelations, it is incumbent upon all citizens to remain vigilant and actively participate in safeguarding the integrity of our elections. To this end, FEC.gov offers tools and resources for individuals to monitor campaign finance activity and report suspicious or unlawful behavior.

How to Search for Your Own Name:

1. Visit FEC.gov, the official website of the Federal Elections Commission.

2. Navigate to the "Search" feature, located prominently on the homepage.

3. Enter your name or relevant identifying information into the search bar.

4. Review the search results to identify any contributions made in your name or on your behalf.

5. If you encounter any discrepancies or unauthorized donations, report them to the FEC for further investigation.

How to Search for Donations Provided and Spent by a Candidate:

1. Access FEC.gov and proceed to the "Candidates & Committees" section.

2. Utilize the search filters to locate the specific candidate or committee of interest.

3. Explore the provided information, which includes details on contributions received and expenditures made by the candidate or committee.

4. Take note of any irregularities or potential violations and report them to the FEC for review and action.


The exposure of suspicious and illegal political campaign donations underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in our electoral process. As vigilant citizens, it is our collective responsibility to uphold these principles and demand integrity from candidates and donors alike. By leveraging the resources available on FEC.gov and remaining actively engaged, we can safeguard the integrity of our democracy for generations to come.

States have tools similar to FEC.gov.

Example: Curious about the NYS Attorney General?

Go to https://www.elections.ny.gov.

Stay informed, stay vigilant, and together, let us ensure that our elections remain free, fair and transparent.


Gregory N. Mazur
